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“IndieSpace is thrilled to partner with the larger cultural community to create and operate the Cultural Solidarity Fund. Artists have been living on the edge since way before this pandemic. The global majority, immigrant, disabled, trans and GNC artists have been excluded from support year after year, decade after decade. As a community we must join together to create a more fair and equitable environment for workers to thrive. This show of solidarity from cultural institutions, led by the incomparable LEIMAY, a small, indie arts organization, even under the most difficult circumstances, is a beautiful example of the world I want to live in.” 

– Randi Berry, Executive Director, IndieSpace / IndieSpace

“Arts and cultural organizations empower their communities to make positive, lasting change. As stewards of this work, we know that now is the time for grassroots organizing. The Cultural Solidarity Fund asks arts and cultural organizations to leverage their organizational power to support, in real terms, the artists and workers who make their work possible. Despite facing unprecedented challenges, NYC arts and cultural organizations are boldly taking action, raising awareness and funds to support the artists who compose the unique and vibrant cultural fabric of our city.”

– Nicole Touzien, Executive Director, Dancewave

“Hi-ARTS is proud to stand on a foundation of two decades of social justice work, community-engaged art practice, and the amplification of BIPOC voices. We are excited to participate in the Cultural Solidarity Fund, and we invite our colleagues to join us in taking steps towards establishing equitable support for the arts and cultural work.” 

– Dr. Raymond Codrington, Executive Director, Hi-ARTS

“At the beginning of the pandemic, almost a year ago, we decided to substitute the word “Sincerely” at the bottom of our thank-you letters with the words “In solidarity”. By definition, the word solidarity represents unity and mutual support within a group. At Limón, the act of solidarity is as important as our own mission since it has kept us together and moving forward for the past 75 years. In these challenging times, the Cultural Solidarity Fund was created by the arts community to support our brothers and sisters in need. We are so proud of our cultural community and applaud the tenacity in which it rallies itself to make the Fund a success. Bravo!”

Juan José Escalante, Executive Director of National Dance Institute, Former José Limón Dance Foundation Executive Director

“As a small community-based artist-run organization, LEIMAY has spent the past two decades learning about the power of community and witnessing resilience through resource sharing. Spearheading this Cultural Solidarity Fund is both an act of action in solidarity with artists and cultural workers, and an opportunity to inspire coalition-building among art and cultural organizations of different sizes and structures.”

– Ximena Garnica, Artistic Co-director, LEIMAY

“Joining the Cultural Solidarity Fund as part of the Organizing Group was an obvious choice for Dancewave. By joining fellow arts and cultural partners in empowering our field through collective action, we are serving as catalysts for real, lasting change. Dancewave stands in solidarity with our artists and cultural workers who keep culture alive in NYC, and calls upon fellow arts and cultural organizations to rethink what’s possible for our community.”

– Nicole Touzien, Executive Director, Dancewave

“For the past 30 years, Children’s Museum of the Arts has celebrated and advocated for children artists — work that could not be possible without the dedication of artists and cultural workers who serve our community. We are proud to participate in the Cultural Solidarity Fund and invite our families to show their support for these talented members of our community.”

– Children’s Museum of the Arts / Arts Education

“What We Do, LLC is proud to support the Cultural Solidarity Fund in their efforts to to keep the arts alive by supporting artists through funding. In such an uncertain climate it’s great to know that there are people who are concerned about Cultural Workers.”

– What We Do / Live Arts

“We joined the Cultural Solidarity Fund in support of its work, which particularly affects the many immigrant communities that we feature so prominently in our parade and our work.”

– DJ McDonald, Grand Marshal Liaison, Dance Parade

“I am so happy to be part of the Cultural Solidarity Fund because it is extremely important in a city like New York which is packed with wonderful artists who really as a community need to support one another.”

– Mark Morris, Artistic Director, Mark Morris Dance Group

“I joined this effort because I saw there was a crisis and I saw that the people who make up our cultural sector were the ones being most impacted and their needs weren’t being met. I saw, with frustration, there were people and institutions in positions of power who had the means to address those needs and they weren’t acting urgently enough. The longer we waited, the deeper the impact would be in each individual person’s life, but also there would be a rippling effect in our entire cultural ecosystem – reduced amount of art being made, the kinds of people who have access to opportunities that exist in New York City for the arts… So I knew we needed to act now.”

– Lauren Miller, Development Director, The Bushwick Starr

“We have twice contributed to the Cultural Solidarity Fund because we know that artists are the lifeblood of this City.”

– Mark Rossier, Managing Director, Elevator Repair Service

“I got involved with the Cultural Solidarity Fund because I knew how badly the artists and cultural workers, on whom our theaters relies, have been impacted by the shutdown. The financial toll just amplified the creative toll, and so many had to leave New York, and we need them back. I supported the Fund myself and many of our Theatre’s donors and ticket buyers did as well. The Theatre’s extended family feels the same way I do about fostering heathy and diverse creative ecology in New York, so please join me and Theatre for a New Audience in supporting the Cultural Solidarity Fund.”

– Dorothy Ryan, Managing Director, Theatre for a New Audience


I am a 50 year pro sports, lifestyles & travel destination photographer. We cannot predict our paths. I had totally unforeseen retina detachment on my shooting eye -which even after a long career of advertising, magazines, books, exhibitions and all manner of usages, was a major blow to momentum and confidence – and an instant work stopper. Now after surgery to correct the retina best as possible and the side effects of cataracts, I am working on books and exhibitions. My recent eye doctor visit has been excellent and the purchase of the new glasses I now need, will be helped mightily by your grant! GOOD Glasses cost a Fortune! Thanking you with a grateful heart on the eve of my 71st birthday.

– CSF Grant Recipient

Antes que nada, quiero darles las gracias por su apoyo. Su ayuda fue de gran utilidad para mi. Con los fondos que recibí de ustedes pude pagar una parte de mis tarjetas de créditos, hice compras en el mercado y también ayudar a mi familia para sus medicinas y alimentos. Recibir este tipo de ayuda en medio de estos momentos de incertidumbre, es un alivio y también fuente de inspiración y esperanza. Gracias de corazón por el trabajo que estan realizando. Un abrazo.

– CSF Grant Recipient

I used the funds provided to me to help cover my medical expenses which I incurred recovering from COVID-19, which I caught in February. The Cultural Solidarity Fund was a literal saving grace for me, as it allowed me to breath a little easier after recovering from COVID-19.

– CSF Grant Recipient


“These grants are so important. I became disabled at the start of the pandemic and my mobility and use of my hands have been severely impacted. Being quarantined for over 2 years has effected my mental health. It is by making art that I have managed to maintain my sanity. Art is therapy and making art is an act of self-presevation. I am forever grateful to this organization for looking after artists.”

– CSF Grant Recipient

“I can’t tell you what this means to me. It has restored my faith in humanity. This last year has been a living hell. I’ve had two family members with Covid and another family member died of it. For the first time in my life I have gotten in debt and owe a lot of money. Thanks to your check and the stimulus I am starting to dig my way out. I put the money towards the rent so for the time being I have a roof over my head. I am such a New Yorker. I was so skeptical. I’ve never won anything except for $2.00 on a dollar lottery ticket. It’s wonderful to know that someone cares! I want to thank Randi and the C.S.F. team for making this happen! Wishing the best of health to all!”

– CSF Grant Recipient


“I want to personally thank your organization for the $500 microgrant they sent me. Times are very difficult now for people and I want to share my good fortune with others struggling. Therefore I am enclosing a money order for $25 to your organization so you can continue to give grants and help others. I don’t have a cellphone or computer but my neighbor has one to email you that I did receive the check on March 22nd. Thank you so much for the grant.”

– CSF Grant Recipient

“Thank you so very much. I am literally sitting here crying because I didn’t know how to pay rent this month and this helps me so much!! THANK YOU!!”

– CSF Grant Recipient

“I’m a marginalized black disabled transwoman who is a former victim of gun violence. I’m also a teaching artist and a writer. The Cultural Solidarity Fund’s grant impacted me during a critical time, helping me to live and write another chapter of my book “Shootin’ Range”. Funds went towards rent and medicine, and general living expenses. I am doing very well and things are looking up for me! Thank you for your support.”

– CSF Grant Recipient

“Honestly, I find myself at a loss for words on the importance and need of community in the arts and support that goes beyond the rehearsal room and theater. The accessibility of information and details on how to submit and take part in the grant was truly amazing. They were used to help support my childcare needs for my 13 year old boy, Mateo who is diagnosed with Autism and ADNP syndrome. I was able to purchase supplies that provided him with some comfort during the summer months as well such as a portable fan.”

– CSF Grant Recipient

“I have used them to pay bills and to stay afloat during the pandemic. This funds were extremely helpful at this time. I am very grateful for this grant. My elder mother came to stay with me after two years without seeing her. I was able to use some of the funds to support both of us during this difficult time. I am partly responsible for my mother’s financial support. I thank you.”

– CSF Grant Recipient

“I’m an BIPOC indie artist and now a lottery winner of a $500 grant. I would like to thank Randi & the rest of the Cultural Solidarity Fund team for picking me, even if it was at random. I really appreciate you guys helping those of us that are in need! Take care.”

– CSF Grant Recipient

I’m so grateful for the work of the Cultural Solidarity Fund! I wasn’t selected in the first few rounds but your team kept working to help raise more funds to run additional lotteries and eventually my number was picked. It means so much to me to see how people can come together to help one another. This money went towards putting food in my kids bellies and paying back rent. Thank you.

– CSF Grant Recipient

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have just made a move for work (finally) and I am majorly food insecure since I got here one month ago. This is everything.

– CSF Grant Recipient

Being diagnosed with COVID messed me up financially. As a full-time Artist, we don’t get paid sick-leave or some of the resources a person with a 9-5 job would get. I am truly grateful that the CS Fund grant supported me with purchasing medicine, groceries and paying my phone bill and cable bill.

– CSF Grant Recipient